In the online Hotel + Flight Booking Module, users of your website can book hotel and flight together. By selecting a destination and return dates, users see a list of available hotels with the best available flights. The user can change the hotel room or flight from the results list. The user can also view room, hotel and flight details in the booking results list. The most important part that makes it easier is entering passenger’s information at once and pay the total price of flight and hotel at once. Using the
hotel + flight booking will have the following benefits for you:
Increase comfort and accuracy in booking flights and hotels
Instead of going through several similar steps, your website users can do everything related to a trip at once. Due to the reduction of steps and data entry, the accuracy of hotel booking and flight booking increase.
Sales increase
Using the Hotel + Flight Booking Module increases the chances of selling round trip flights next to hotel.
Create a competitive advantage
Creating more convenience for your website users is equivalent to competitive advantage for you. The customer will prefer to buy from a website where he travel affairs is more easy and more accurate.
Hotel + Flight Booking Features

View and book hotels, flights and insurance at the same time
For the user who wants to travel to a destination, the available list of flights, hotels and insurance is provided at once.

Total Prices
The Total price of the selected items is calculated and presented to the customer.

Data entry at once
Instead of your passenger entering the passenger information 2 or 3 times, you only enter the information once.

Provide services in different modes of flight and hotel data
The user can book third-party web services flights, third-party web services hotels beside your own charter flight and hotel guarantee.

Separate reporting for hotel and flight
Detailed hotel and flight sales reports are available in the sales management panel.

Recognize hotel + flight contract in separate sales reports
In each flight or hotel sales report, if the sale is through the hotel + flight module, it is specified.

All Flight Management features
In the management panel of this module, you will have all the features of flight sales management.

All Hotel Management features
In the management panel of this module, you will have all the features of flight sales management.
Over All features
Operational and Support features
Calling information of all hotels, airlines and airports, cities, countries, etc (No need To data entry).
Define and manage the credit of business partners
Connecting several payment gateways
Related educational booklets available on each page
Free Education
Search and Filter contracts and pre-contracts based on the type of service, supplier, web service, name of the contractor, contract date, contract number, origin and destination, buyer information, passenger information, type of buyers (the agency itself, other agencies or regular users of the site).
User management features
User access management
Validation of user registration by SMS
Reporting Features
The type of service
Web service name
Origin and destination
Contract time periods
Travel time interval
User performance
And financial reports
Marketing and Sale Features
Service sharing with BasisFly members
Define exchange rates and automatically update prices based on it
Define different commission groups and applying over all settings to group members
Define a dedicated commission for a specific member in a group
Display different rules for different services
Financial Features
Specify the tax and the service net price in sales reports
Generating accounting documents automatically